
关于药学博士+ MBA


If you're a PharmD student looking to enhance your business and leadership skills, the unique PharmD + MBA program will prepare you to excel in various pharmaceutical settings. Today's pharmacists are  increasingly taking on leadership roles in the healthcare system, and the PharmD + MBA will equip you as a pharmacist who leads effectively and ethically to the glory of Christ. You'll develop practical skills while making Christian professional connections that will last a lifetime.

通过沙巴体育药学院和罗伯特. 石膏商学院, the PharmD + MBA program allows you to earn an online 工商管理硕士 (MBA)学位,同时完成你的 药学博士 (药学博士).

Typically, you will apply to the MBA program during the spring semester of your first professional year in the PharmD program. 成功入学后, you'll begin online MBA courses in your second professional year and complete the final MBA coursework after finishing your PharmD.

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  • 不同的任务

    沙巴体育准备有能力的专业人士谁带来了富有同情心, 从圣经的角度来看待他们的职业.
  • Critical Need

    Career demand and the expanding role of pharmacists in healthcare leads to a rewarding career of serving patients.
  • 经过验证的结果

    Our graduates exceed national averages for pharmacy licensing test pass rate and being placed in residencies.


PharmD / MBA亮点

Biblical — Cedarville’s commitment to the authority of the Bible is the basis for discussions on medical ethics, 生命的神圣, origins, 以及信仰和学识的平衡融合. 因此,你将装备精良 为基督影响你的职业和文化. You will also study business through a biblical lens that emphasizes excellence in personal standards, 管理神所赐的才能和资源, 用仆人的心领导, and 通过服侍他人来影响王国.

成本效益 您的药学博士课程将满足MBA课程的三分之一, 减少了完成MBA课程所需的时间和成本. 你双学位的一部分.

Employability -通过在你的药学博士学位上增加MBA学位, you will be equipped for management roles within various pharmacy settings.

在线,方便MBA — You can complete your MBA completely online in convenient seven-week courses.


拥有药学博士学位+ MBA学位, you will be equipped with the business skills for management or entrepreneurial opportunities within the pharmaceutical field, including:

  • 连锁药房管理
  • 社区药房所有权
  • 医院药剂管理局


从实践经验中学习 -作为一名药学博士生, you will become a licensed intern in the state of Ohio during your first year in the professional program (you may also choose to gain licensure in another state as well). This 会允许你在里面工作吗

various pharmacies and health-systems/hospitals during your PharmD program. 您将在整个课程中完成体验式培训.

专业组织 — You will be able to participate in professional organizations and in some cases take on leadership roles at the state or national level.

Research — Working with a faculty adviser, you can choose to conduct cutting-edge research.

Outreach — You can participate in a short-term medical missions trip or work in local pharmacies or clinics that care for underserved populations.

Hands-on MBA — Courses are designed for the online environment but include hands-on case studies, 学生选择的项目, 模拟游戏, 个人发展.


入学要求 — The first step in your graduate school journey at Cedarville is to apply for admission through PharmCAS.

药学博士入学要求 MBA入学要求

费用和财政援助 -追求品质的决定, Christian graduate education represents a valuable investment in your career and professional development. 确保你的学位也是负担得起的, Cedarville graduate programs are competitively priced and can be supplemented with a variety of financial aid.

药学博士成本信息 MBA成本信息

课程开始日期 -你可以报名参加药学博士课程,并在8月份开始上课. The MBA has start terms in August, October, January, March, May, and July. 大多数药学博士+ MBA学生开始他们的MBA课程 在P1年之后的夏天.



Cedarville University's 药学创新中心 seeks to advance the profession of pharmacy by developing novel approaches to patient care and expanding pharmacists' roles as part of a collaborative healthcare team.


Cedarville's 药学院 offers a unique opportunity for students who want to enroll in a Christian pharmacy program at a top-ranked university.


Cedarville University's Christian MBA online program is specifically designed for Christian professionals who view their work as a platform for ministry.


你的四年药学博士学位  专业课程 was designed to meet the latest accreditation standards, including contemporary topics in pharmacy. It features a modular approach, allowing you to master course content progressively. 加上课程表,便于广泛的实践 与教师导师一起体验和小组学习, this educational experience provides exceptional preparation for your career as a pharmacist. For your MBA, you will take nine core courses — three of which are part of the PharmD curriculum — and three elective courses.


  • 沙巴体育领导
  • 药学实践经验介绍1-6


Cedarville offers both graduate and undergraduate programs, with flexible completion options. 你可能也想 consider these related programs as you consider the degree or program that is a best fit for you.


  • Graduate




杰弗里·A摄. Bates

Jeffrey A. 贝茨,药学博士,BS Pharm, FMPA





副院长罗伯特. 石膏商学院; Professor of Information Technology Management



Gayle Wilken



Program News